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Youngest Asian girl on Mount Kilimanjaro

About 25,000 people attempt to climb Mount Kilimanjaro annually. About two-thirds succeed and Saanvi Sood from India at the age of 7 is among them. Becoming a Youngest Asian Girl to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Altitude-related problems are the most common reason for climbers to return without achieving the top. Mount Kilimanjaro being the highest mountain on the African continent. Its also the highest free-standing mountain in the world. A freestanding mountain means it stands alone and is not part of a mountain range. Usually, they are volcanic mountains.

While climbing Mount Kilimanjaro Youngest Asian girl Saanvi Sood traveresed through three volcanic cones, Mavenzi, Shira, and Kibo. Mavenji and Shira are extinct, but Kibo, the highest peak, is dormant and can erupt again. The most recent activity was about 200 years ago, The last major eruption occurred 360,000 years ago.

Mount Kilimanjaro ice caps have been shrinking after losing more than 80 percent of their mass since 1912. In fact, they could be completely ice-free within the next 20 years, according to the researchers.

Tanzania’s Minister of National Resources and Tourism, Shamsa Mwangunga, announced in 2008 that 4.8 million indigenous trees would be planted in the mountains to prevent soil erosion and protect water sources.

Book of achievement: Almost every climber who climbed Uhuru Peak, the highest peak on Kibo’s crater rim, has recorded his thoughts on this achievement in a book, hidden in a wooden box at the top. So the youngest person from Asia to climb Mount Kilimanjaro is 7-year-old Saanvi Sood from India.

Saanvi sood, the youngest Asian girl, Crosses all kinds of ecosystem found on kilimanjaro. These include cultivated land, rainforest, alpine desert and an artic peak before arriving to the top.