Youngest Girl on Everest Base Camp Before Decision taking

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Youngest Girl on Everest Base Camp

Saanvi Sood a little girl

Saanvi Sood is the youngest girl of age 7 who has created history by reaching the
base camp of Mount Everest. When she was 4 years old, she asked her mother
how anyone could meet the Prime Minister of India. Her mother replied in a very
humble way that someone has to achieve something extraordinary.
At a very young age, she decided to climb the sky with her father. She made huge
efforts to make her body fit. She pursues all such leisure activities which help her
to achieve her aim.

Food Intake

In this modern era, each and every child has its own eating habits in which they
can’t sacrifice. They become stubborn towards their food. In this society, Saanvi is
the child who proves that we can control our taste buds very easily by focusing on
our aim.
Saanvi Sood is a self-disciplined girl. During her expedition, she had to follow a
similar meal plan for 10 days of trekking. She proves that we can control our
feelings and emotions with strong will power.

Hurdles faced by Saanvi Sood

As a young child, Saanvi Sood faced huge obstacles in between her path. Enduring
cold and strong winds in low oxygen, Saanvi had managed to set a new record by
crossing this track of about 65 kms in 9 days by passing through tight and
difficult roads. Saanvi Sood had brought laurels to the country and the state by
setting a height of 5364 metres.On the eighth day, her father decided to rest for the whole way and skip trekking
because of her serious health issues. But the next morning, she made up her mind
and decided to go to achieve the goal which she set before starting her trakking.

Before Decision taking

On 20th May 2022, Saanvi Sood requested her father to take her to the Mount Everest
base camp, after watching the movie “EVEREST”. She really enjoyed the documentary
“EVEREST” and was very excited to scale this achievement at this young age and
promote awareness about fitness and healthy living in today’s generation. On her first
request, everyone was shocked and neglected, but at the same time, when she awoke the
next morning, her father asked, SAANVI ARE YOU SERIOUS, she replied softly and in a
very innocent manner YES PAPA.
On 24th of May, They got the tickets booked, and started their training for Everest base
camp. She had only 5 days to make them ready for this difficult task. After 5-6 days of
workout, they started the journey on 1st of June from Ropar, Punjab. They left for


Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and
suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. Saanvi
is a very ambitious girl. Being a child, she has a dream to make her family and whole
country proud of her.
She wants to represent India in the field of mountaning and in different activities. Her
future plan is to go for seven summits at a young age. Last but not the least, she wants to
meet our Prime Minister as well.

Memorial Movement

Everyone is saluting this spirit of Saanvi Sood. She was completely exhausted while
achieving this feat. The people of Punjab are proud of this little Punjabi daughter. Each
and every person welcomed her with open hands. School authorities described Saanvi
Sood as an exceptional student. Saanvi and her father totally forget their tiredness after
seeing the excitement and happiness of the people who welcomed them in their city.