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Saanvi Sood Mount Kilimanjaro

Saanvi Sood was determined to climb Mount Kilimanjaro as it is a fair difficult mountain to climb. With more than 50% of the climbers suffering from mountain sickness, Kilimanjaro is an extreme altitude mountain trek. Measuring 19,341 feet, or 5,895 meters, one need to prepare well and train before attempting to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. While Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro for Saanvi sood it was mostly dealing with the altitude, however the summit night was the extremely difficulty one as it was the the coldest, windiest section of the adventure. An ascent of 4,084ft with 49% less oxygen and a descent of nearly 6,870ft. It can took up to 13 hours of walking.

While climbing Mount Kilimanjaro Saanvi Sood had to Deal with Altitude[low oxygen] which is really one of the hardest part of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. The ability to acclimatize and get used to the low oxygen in the air – while still having to trek long distances – is what sets Mount Kilimanjaro apart from your average long day’s hiking. Mount Kilimanjaro Altitude training was very helpful to handle the altitude, but it was a bit unpredictable she had to take breaks in between.

Dehydration was making the climb on Mount Kilimanjaro very hard. It was affecting the ability to acclimatize and to recover from a hard day on the trail. Saanvi Sood had to drink lot of water – and also sometimes with flavorings, in the form of electrolyte powders and liquids, and even simple squash for a change.

As Saanvi Sood was burning lot of calories while on route to Top of Mount Kilimanjaro– so she needed to replace them! Saanvi had to eat enough to help with energy levels throughout the day, as well as help to recover from the strenuous exercise. Saanvi eat some of her favorite energy bars or snacks from home, as altitude was affecting the appetite, so some tasty treats tempted to eat, even if Saanvi was not too hungry.

Saanvi Sood was keeping a positive attitude!

A lot is written about physical fitness when it comes to climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. But just as important, and arguably even more important is the mental toughness. People don’t know just how mentally tough they are until they meet a challenge and pass through it which was Saanvi Sood was determined to do.

The long days on the trail, being far away from home, sleeping in tents, hiking in cold, rugged conditions – all of these aspects contributed to the emotional – and mental – difficulty of the climb. Particularly on summit night, the long, hard, uphill slog can feel interminable – and it’s your mental resilience that keeps you going. Saanvi Sood was given medical help to pass through the night as she was having short breaths.

Saanvi Sood was, tougher than she thought! But it’s worth remembering that Mount Kilimanjaro was as much of a mental and emotional challenge as a physical one.

She Always remember “why”. Why She wanted to climb Mount Kilimanjaro? What brought her to Africa to tackle this great mountain? All reasons were a great source of inspiration when things were getting tough.

Staying positive – and mindful of the beauty of the mountain, the challenge of the summit is something which Saanvi Sood will always remember.